Saturday, September 22, 2012

The iPhone 5 is here!

Many have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the iPhone 5, Apple's newest version of the acclaimed iPhone series. I personally didn't even know when it was coming out, I was looking to switch carriers and just happened to stumble across it in my research. I was a bit hesitant to consider it at first, being that these past few years I've always used Android powered devices (which make no mistake I still love, and think they are great) and never even seriously considered getting an iPhone. However the more I read about it the more I became intrigued by the idea, the iPhone 5's specs on paper surely are something to be noticed, but how well does it deliver?

Upon first using the iPhone 5 I did noticed the Retina display was bright and the colors were vibrant, and trying out Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies was quite a visual treat. Maneuvering around the user interface was quick and responsive, and with 4g or WiFi surfing the web and downloading apps was fast if not instant. The ability to import contacts, mail, and calender from my Google and Facebook account made switching from my android phone relatively painless. The "earpod" earbuds that came with it are incredible, easily the best I've ever used. They fit extremely comfortably into your ears and the sound is full and crystal clear. 

The camera is also quite impressive, sporting an 8 megapixel iSight rear camera with panoramic shooting and 1080p video recording. The front FaceTime camera takes 1.2 megapixel photos and records in 720p, allowing you to take full advantage of video chat apps. I've been pretty impressed with the battery life as well, using it regularly all day with a mixture of WiFi and 4g it's so far gone for close to 12 hours before dying. And who could forget Siri - your go-to gal for anything and everything on the iPhone. Siri is fairly accurate with finding you what you're looking for, even if it might take a few tries.

All in all I could say I would recommend the iPhone 5, it's features are very different from what I'm used to, and there are some things that Android powered devices have that I wish the iPhone did. Overall I'm quite happy with it and I know I'll be sticking with it for quite some time. Do you have an iPhone 5 or are thinking about getting one? Head on over to for the full specs on it, and for info on how and where to get one! Thanks for reading and let me know what you think in the comments below!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Black ops 2: A fresh idea or just another rehashed CoD?

There's been a lot of hype around the newest game in the Call of Duty franchise, Black Ops 2. Now I have enjoyed Black Ops and the Modern Warfare games, even if they weren't games I played very much of. The real question here is will BO2 redefine what people expect from CoD or will it be more of the same?

Black Ops 2 features returning Black Ops characters Sgt. Frank Woods and Agent Alex Mason, joined by a wealth of new characters. There will be two distinct yet linked playable time periods, new advanced weaponry, branching storylines created by player choices in Strike Force missions, and many multiplayer options. The story takes place in the future 21st Century Cold War, where technology and weapons have converged to create a new generation of warfare between old and new foes.

From everything that Treyarch has been showing the game certainly looks like it will be quite different from its predecessors, and lets face it you can only redesign the wheel so much before it becomes utterly ridiculous. That being said you can't resell the same product with a shiny new wrapper every year or two and expect people to keep coming back. Upgraded graphics, new weapons and maps, and other things might draw some people attention, but many of us crave innovation. New and exciting gameplay types and a fresh and exhilarating story are just two ways that can really make it stand out from the rest.

I personally haven't played Black Ops 2 yet, and I'm still undecided on whether I will be getting it or not. I really like everything I've seen so far, but I'll have to wait and see what others have to say before I drop yet another $60 on a Call of Duty title. What do you think, will Black Ops 2 redefine what people think of Call of Duty, or will it be branded "just another remake"? Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

OSx, Windows, and Ubuntu - oh my!

I've never really tried to use any operation system other than Windows (with the exception of my phones Android OS) and I had never really thought much about it until lately. I had acquired an older iMac with pretty decent specs that I wanted to play around with, yet upon booting it up I quickly realized I was going to have to relearn most of what I thought I knew. Still now I can't say I work very well with it, but certainly better than I used to. I also always wanted to use a Linux OS, but I was concerned about screwing something up on my main PC by messing with powers beyond my comprehension. 

The simplest and best method I could think of to try and learn more about both operating systems was to turn the iMac into a dual-boot system, running both OSx and Ubuntu side-by-side (a nice guide for this can be found HERE). The process wasn't at all complicated as I thought it was going to be (although I have to admit it took me about an hour to get the sound working in Ubuntu :X ) and pretty soon I was cruising around Ubuntu's sleek desktop.

Now I've only been using Ubuntu for few hours total, but I'm really enjoying it so far. From the built-in Ubuntu One could storage system which made it easy for me to get files from my Windows PC, to the tons of available software in the Ubuntu software center, I'm pretty impressed early on. The built-in Workspace Switcher gives you four separate screens that you can swap between to keep your desktop free of clutter.  What has really amazed me so far is the online community for the OS, so many people working to make it better, help others with their issues ( info from an Ubuntu forum post was what finally got my sound working! ) and developing their own software for the system.

You can download Ubuntu desktop 100% free at I burned it to a DVD myself, but you can also use a USB drive. There's also an installer for Windows labeled "Wubi" but I've heard mixed reviews on whether it's better to use a dual-boot setup instead. You can use Ubuntu as the sole OS on your computer, as a dual-boot system on a Mac or Windows PC, or even a Tri-boot system with all three! If you're nervous about it like I was I'd recommend trying it on a secondary computer your first time. You never can be too careful when it comes to expensive electronics ;).

Thank you for reading and feel free to post any questions or comments below! Also I wrote this blog from Ubuntu desktop ;)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Project Zomboid has been Greenlit!

Those who read my blog the other day about the Steam Greenlight system will probably remember my mention of "Project Zomboid". Well the game has officially received the necessary votes to be "Greenlit" and put onto Steam! This will be great not only for the developer - IndieStone Studios - but for all fans of the game!

For those who have no idea what Project Zomboid is let me fill you in. From the title you more than likely have ventured the guess that it's a game about zombies, but that's just the beginning. It's best described as an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. The question of the game is not how you will make it out alive, but how long can you live before hunger, paranoia, insanity and/or zombies end you. Yes my friends, death is always a CERTAINTY, how and how long you manage to put it off is the point here.

Project Zomboid will require you to loot houses, build defenses, and fight off zombie attacks to delay their inevitable demise. You will have to scavenge for food, drink, medicine, wood, nails, and any other items you'll need to keep yourself alive as long as possible. A status bar keeps you constantly aware of your hunger, tiredness, whether your panicked or calm, injured, etc. All these things can have a drastic effect on your ability to survive another day.

Now if you haven't noticed from the screenshot the graphics are very simple, if playing the coolest looking next-gen game ranks highest among your prioritys the PZ won't be the game for you. I should also point out that making the game multiplayer is one of IndieStone's top objectives, however it is not currently in the alpha build of the game. The game is already available for purchase at - and anyone who purchases the game now will automatically get it on Steam for free, so if it's something you're interested in there's no need to wait to purchase!

Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope you come back for future posts!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Kindle Fire HD

Last week Amazon announced that in November they would be releasing a whole new family of Kindle products, with both new E-Readers and The "Fire" Tablet PCs. I have never personally used a Kindle but I've always been a big fan of Amazon as a company and I was curious to see what they had in store for us with the new Kindles.

There will be 2 new Kindle "Paperwhite" E-Readers that are supposed to be more advanced than their predecessors in many ways:
  • Patented built-in light evenly illuminates the screen to provide the perfect reading experience in all lighting conditions
  • 62% more pixels for unsurpassed resolution
  • 25% better contrast for sharp, dark text
  • Even in bright sunlight,it will deliver clear, crisp text and images with no glare
  • Holds up to 1,100 books and has an 8-week battery life, even with the light on
The new Paperwhite comes with a fairly modest $119 price tag ($179 for the 3G version) and the original Kindle is still available for only $69.

The new line of Kindle Fire HD's are the real stars of this show though, promising to deliver some of the best video, sound, and speed of Tablets on the market today. Here are the technical specifications from amazo for the 8.9" model:
  • 1920x1200 HD display with polarizing filter and anti-glare technology for rich color and deep contrast from any viewing angle
  • Exclusive Dolby audio and dual stereo speakers for crisp, booming sound without distortion
  • High performance 1.5Ghz dual-core processor with Imagination PowerVR 3D graphics core for fast and fluid performance
  • Dual-band, dual-antenna Wi-Fi for 40% faster downloads and streaming (compared to iPad 3)
  • Integrated support for Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! and more, as well as Exchange calendar, contacts, and email
  • Free unlimited cloud storage for all your Amazon content and unlimited Skype video calling
The Kindle fire HD 8.9" is going to run you $299 for the 16GB version ($369 for the 32GB version) and goes up to high $499 for the 32GB 4G version($599 for the 64GB). This really isn't bad when it comes the average price of tablets, and there's even a 7" 16GB model available for $199 if you're looking to save some money.

Are you thinking about checking more into the new Kindle? Here's a link to Amazon so you can look into it for yourself.   As with everything you purchase, always do your research first and really be sure if it's something you want to get. If you're skeptical it might not be a bad idea to wait until after it's released to see what other consumers like yourself think before you commit. As always I thank you for reading and feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Steam Greenlight

If you use Steam you probably have already noticed the new "Steam Greenlight" section. Steam Greenlight is Valve's way of allowing game developers to get their game onto Steam, to a very large community. Games can be submitted with a $100 fee (100% of proceeds from these fees are donated to the Child's Play charity) and voted on by the entire community to be fully integrated into Steam.

Now you may be asking yourself "What exactly is this supposed to mean to me?". It all depends on what you want it to. It's a completely optional idea that you don't have to participate in if you choose not to, but let's think about it. All games start somewhere, and there are some very good games out there that could be massively helped by being on Steam. A game being part of this program allows the developers to:

  • Get word out to players who may never otherwise discover their game.
  • Allow an easier more secure way for people to purchase their game.
  • A streamlined system that allows for faster updating to their players.
  • Allows them get feedback and criticism from potential customers. 

If you use Steam I highly encourage you to take a look at the Greenlight section. There are some great games on there that I personally would love to see hit Steam (note the shameless promotion for Project Zomboid in the screenshot). You can also comment on items to give them some ideas, for instance I saw one game that everyone (myself included) thought looked really bad from their cover photo. However upon looking at the screenshots and reading about the game I was extremely impressed, and little things like that could really hinder a games chance for potential votes - just think of all the people who didn't even give it a second look!

Thanks for reading and I hope you come back and check out my future blogs!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Natural Selection 2 coming in October!

I hate to gush but ERMAGERD!!!!! Natural Selection 2 is FINALLY going to be released in October! For those of you unfamiliar with the original Natural Selection, let me fill you in some.

Natural Selection was, like so many other hugely successful games, originally a mod for Half-Life. It's gameplay is a unique FPS/RTS combo, where most of the team fights in first person using rifles, pistols, claws and toxins, while the team commander plays from overhead building structures, collecting resources, and researching upgrades for the team. The marine frontiersman are your basic military fighters, armed to the teeth and ready to take down all opposition, and the alien Kharaa are a unique species that vary from the small Skulk to the monstrous Onos. Think Counter-Strike mixed with Starcraft. 

Natural Selection 2 will also feature dynamic environments so that every game will be unique, the teams will start in different locations every game so that you have to actively scout your opponents to find their base and take them on.  The WYSIWYG graphical tools and scripting will allow you to create your own custom weapons, scenarios or entirely new game! You'll have access to the level editor, cinematic tools, and full LUA source code for NS2 and will be fully compatible with the Steam workshop.

The cost of the game is a mere $24.99, less than half the price of most games on the market today. Even if the game was EXACTLY the same as the first with only upgraded graphics I would still buy it right away. I had so many hours of fun with the original, even if the RTS element of the game really isn't your thing you never have to mess with it if you don't want to. A player must request and be voted into command, so if running and gunning (or slashing) is all you care about then you can let someone else worry about taking command.

You can find out more about Natural Selection 2 on the Steam store, or at I would definitely recommend looking into this game, as I know I will most certainly be getting it myself. Thanks for reading and if you want you can subscribe to my blog and receive emails whenever I post something new!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Guild Wars 2 initial impressions

I was really debating buying Guild Wars 2. Not so much because I didn't think it would be a good game, but because it's been so hyped up by everyone. I've seen so many games come and go in the recent years that had so much potential and just didn't cut it for me. Why? I'm not entirely sure. It could be that I was too into the other games I was playing to really give them a chance, or perhaps they didn't just draw me in well enough right at the start. First impressions are everything, so if a game just -isn't- that fun in the first five to sixty minutes chances are you're going to have a hard time going forward just to see if things pick up.

Guild Wars 2 immediately grabbed my attention in a way most games haven't in awhile. When you create your character, after you've customized them visually, you also write their story. A brief background of who the are, the choices they may have made, and so on to give your story it's own unique feel to it. The graphics are spectacular, running everything on the highest settings is truly awe-inspiring. The full reflection detail on the water, the way the grass moves in the wind and beneath your feet, to the sparks and puffs of smoke every time you fire off a pistol round are just some examples of the incredible detail put into this game. 

The gameplay itself really caught me off guard, upon looking at the UI I really expected a typical MMO experiance - boy was I in for a treat. First off your attacks vary completely on your choice of weapon, no matter what class you are. My thief for example can use pistols, daggers, swords, and bows (maybe more, but this is all I've used so far). Simply upon switching weapons your action bar changes to new skills specifically for that weapon type. Bored of hacking and slashing? Swap out to pistols and do some rapid fire running and gunning. Tired of that? Switch to a bow and take on the ability's of a marksman. It's a concept I really enjoy myself, and keeps things interesting. 

The questing is also very different - no more are the days of hitting up a quest hub for 10 different goals then running back when you're finished. In GW2 you have areas all through the land to "help" those in need. Perhaps the local farm is overrun by Centaurs who are burning down the village and you want to help. Simply entering the area pops up a window with many things you can do to help and raise your own personal completion bar for that area, like killing Centaurs, finding sprinkler parts, etc. Once you fill the bar you are awarded with a large amount of experience and other bonuses, then you can stick around to find an event or move on the the next area. Events are kind of like public quests from Warhammer online, or rifts in... well.... Rift. They start by themselves and depending on your level of participation you are awarded experience, karma points, and money. It's wise to always participate in any event that you can, as they help a lot with getting you leveled up so you can move on to the next area.

I could go on and on about the game all day, but this is already long and drawn out as it is. Personally I would recommend the game to others, and if this hasn't sparked your interest I would definitely check it out further. I have a comedy "Billy Bob" video posted on YouTube that you can check out to get an idea for how the game looks and plays.

Thank you for reading and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mineral Oil Computer

Heading into the IT building at GSU where I work I came across and interesting site.

Now if seeing the back end of a pickup truck inside the IT building wasn't interesting enough, upon closer inspection I realized it was actually a computer. A mineral oil submerged computer. I had to get a closer look at it, I had heard of them before but never actually seen one myself. Seeing it was enough reason to want one, but the fact that it ran TOTALLY silent, cooled extremely well, and prevented dust buildup makes it an even more tempting idea.

Now I don't know if this is something I'd ever go out and build myself (definitely not to the extravagant level seen here) but it is an interesting concept nonetheless and I can see how hardcore computer/gaming enthusiasts would be all over this. Here's a list of pro's and con's from what I've researched - remember I haven't done this myself so this is what I've learned from those who have:

  • Cools better than standard air cooling
  • Looks really cool
  • Dirt and Dust free so long as you aren't in and out of it consistently
  • Runs silent
  • Did I mention how cool it looks?
  • Submerging the computer parts will void your warranty
  • Very heavy since you're effectively using a full aquarium as a case
  • Can still run hot if you don't set it up correctly for proper flow
  • Still doesn't cool better than a good water cooling system
  • Expensive

Thank you for reading, if you're interesting in doing this I strongly suggest you talk to some people who have done it before and find out if it's really something you wish to delve into. Always do your research before you start any big project!

Monday, September 3, 2012


Welcome everyone to my blog! This is new to me so you'll have to bear with me. I know there's probably already about a billion blogs like this but I enjoy voicing my opinions on everything regardless. You can expect to read news and my opinions on:

  • Games, Updates, Expansions, Patches, Previews, Reviews
  • Computers, Hardware, Software
  • Any other gadgets I feel like talking about
  • And possibly things that are not related to any of the above!
I also post videos to my YouTube channel which can be viewed at You can always check there for gameplay videos, game strategy, comedy videos, game previews, etc.

If you made it this far I thank you and hope that you'll check out my future blogs!