Saturday, September 8, 2012

Steam Greenlight

If you use Steam you probably have already noticed the new "Steam Greenlight" section. Steam Greenlight is Valve's way of allowing game developers to get their game onto Steam, to a very large community. Games can be submitted with a $100 fee (100% of proceeds from these fees are donated to the Child's Play charity) and voted on by the entire community to be fully integrated into Steam.

Now you may be asking yourself "What exactly is this supposed to mean to me?". It all depends on what you want it to. It's a completely optional idea that you don't have to participate in if you choose not to, but let's think about it. All games start somewhere, and there are some very good games out there that could be massively helped by being on Steam. A game being part of this program allows the developers to:

  • Get word out to players who may never otherwise discover their game.
  • Allow an easier more secure way for people to purchase their game.
  • A streamlined system that allows for faster updating to their players.
  • Allows them get feedback and criticism from potential customers. 

If you use Steam I highly encourage you to take a look at the Greenlight section. There are some great games on there that I personally would love to see hit Steam (note the shameless promotion for Project Zomboid in the screenshot). You can also comment on items to give them some ideas, for instance I saw one game that everyone (myself included) thought looked really bad from their cover photo. However upon looking at the screenshots and reading about the game I was extremely impressed, and little things like that could really hinder a games chance for potential votes - just think of all the people who didn't even give it a second look!

Thanks for reading and I hope you come back and check out my future blogs!


  1. I love your blogs :) You want to play project zomboid or something? Nerd ♥

  2. I already have back when they had a demo on Fileplanet ;)
